B'nai Jacob Synagogue- Traditional Judaism for a Modern World
This Week at a Glance
Minyanim Monday- Thursday 7:30 AM- 5:45 PM Friday 7:30 AM-5:45 PM Saturday 9:00 AM -5:oo PM Sunday 8:30 AM- 5:45 PM Note: The morning minyanim on December 24th, 25th and 31st are at 8:30 AM and there is no evening minyan on the 31st.
Coming Events at a Glance Torah Class Every Tuesday at 8:00 AM Lunch with the Guys Every Wednesday at 1:00 PM Lunch with the Gals Every Thursday at 1:00 PM Talmud at Ten Every Thursday at 10:00 AM Hebrew School/ Private Lessons - Regular Sessions Sunday School 10:00 AM
( Note: All classes are on break until January 7th)
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